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A question of perspective: fixed and mobile football cameras


A question of perspective: fixed and mobile football cameras

A football camera may seem like a simple tool at first glance, but its importance to a team's success should not be underestimated. In this post, we take an in-depth look at the differences and similarities between fixed and mobile cameras for recording and analyzing football training and games.

Fixed football cameras:


Stability and Continuity: Fixed cameras provide a stable and constant perspective, ideal for capturing tactical formations across the entire field.

Coverage: Wide-angle lenses allow fixed cameras to capture the entire field, which is crucial to understanding the dynamics of the game.

Accessories: Once set up and set up, a permanently anchored camera does not require additional, often expensive accessories such as a tripod. There is also no need to recharge it every time.


Lack of flexibility:They are fixed in their orientation and therefore do not offer the possibility of being used for away games.

Higher installation costs: Fixed cameras can take significantly longer to install and are potentially more expensive than mobile alternatives.

Mobile football cameras:


Flexibility and adaptation: Mobile cameras offer the opportunity to take pictures regardless of location depending on the situation. This enables targeted analysis of specific game situations or players, even in away games.

Cost-effectiveness: Compared to fixed cameras, mobile options are typically more cost-effective and require less installation effort.


Stability: They can be damaged by wind, weather or players, especially if the camera is not securely positioned or secured.

Limited Coverage: Mobile cameras may struggle to capture the entire field at once, which can be a hindrance when analyzing formations.


Despite their differences, fixed and mobile football cameras have common goals in analysis:

Image quality: Both options aim for high image quality to provide precise insights into plays, techniques and tactics.

Training Improvement: Both fixed and mobile cameras serve the purpose of improving training sessions and tactics, uncovering weaknesses and emphasizing strengths.

Tactical Insights: Both options help coaches, analysts and teams gain tactical insights to refine and optimize their strategies.

Whether it can be set up or permanently installed, both options have their advantages. There are numerous options on the market with different features and prices. To find the perfect football camera, you should consider important factors such as image quality, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. When investing in video analytics solutions, it is crucial to consider individual needs and choose a tailored solution. With the right balance between stability and flexibility, football analysis becomes a powerful tool for increasing the tactical brilliance of coaches and teams alike.

How is the zone14 fixed camera system mounted?

zone14 is revolutionising the way clubs at lower levels of the game are able to analyse and improve their performance with an innovative approach to football data. Through the integration of AI and Data into the realm of football camera technology with 'STATS' clubs are able to access player data through their our fixed camera system.

zone14’s easy to use 'REPLAY' System allows you to analyse and tag every moment. Furthermore, you no longer have to wait until after the match to begin your analysis. The zone14 ‘LIVE’ package makes it possible for you to carry out mid-game analysis and broadcast your match to viewers wherever they are in the world. With great commitment to accessibility and accuracy, zone14's one-time installation and fixed-mounting football camera provides high precision in data and football video capture. Take your football team to the next level all through one camera. The zone14 'LIVE' Package makes it possible for you to carry out mid-game analysis and broadcast your match to viewers wherever they are in the world. With great commitment to accessibility and accuracy, zone14's one-time installation and fixed-mounting football camera provides high precision in data and football video capture. Take your football team to the next level all through one camera.

The Importance of Camera Placement

Before delving into the installation process, it's crucial to understand the best practices for positioning your football camera. Optimal coverage requires strategic placement in the middle of the pitch, approximately 3 metres away from the sideline. The camera should be elevated to 6 metres above ground level to ensure a perfect view for in-depth analysis and recording.

Your Partner in Setup

Once you have purchased your zone14 football camera system our dedicated team will be on hand to guide you through the entire set-up process. We will discuss the ideal installation location with you, determine the required cable lengths and arrange a suitable date for the installation. You can rest assured that you are never alone with zone14 - you can always rely on our 24/7 support and expert advice.

Choosing the Right Location

Flexibility is always possible with your zone14 camera system. Common locations used by our clubs include floodlight poles, grandstand roofs, normal poles, and even in some cases more unique options like sturdy trees. Each location can effectively record matches and training sessions. Consider your ground layout and power accessibility when selecting the perfect spot. Our team will be there to assist you in making this crucial decision.

Setting Up the Camera and Box

All essential tools for installation are conveniently included in the shipment. You'll find a screwdriver (Torx), security cable, and installation guidance at your disposal. Depending on the mounting location, a ladder or high-riser machine might also be necessary for certain elevated positions.

Your football camera will arrive pre-connected to a mounting plate, simplifying the process. Securely attach it to your chosen location, remembering to affix the provided security cable for additional stability and security.

Once you have securely mounted your camera, further fine-tuning of individual camera positions may be necessary. Our team will be able to remotely connect to your cameras and guide you through this process, guaranteeing optimal camera placement for a clear and comprehensive view of the entire pitch.

Connecting the Cables

Proper cable connections are key to seamless operation. Two ethernet cables are provided in your shipment. Each ethernet cable will need to be wired from each camera and then down to the box. Ensure a reliable power source nearby, as the cameras require approximately a 1.5-meter power cable. This cable length will be tailored to your specific requirements. It is also important to remember your cables are secured with cable ties.

Final Set Up

With the mounting process complete, you are nearly ready to use video analysis to elevate your team to success. Record your first match or session, and our team will perform a final calibration, ensuring everything is optimised to deliver the highest quality football recording.

zone14 empowers clubs to elevate their performance through unrivalled football video analysis. Trust in our expertise and cutting-edge technology to take your team to the next level.

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zone14 vs Veo - Cameras for football recording and analysis


zone14 vs Veo - Cameras for football recording and analysis

Unlike alternative analysis solutions, zone14 is the only football camera on the market where there is no large upfront cost. The camera comes as part of your subscription package. zone14’s team are deeply rooted in amateur sports and have created the most affordable, easy to use solution to football data analysis in the lower leagues. Despite the lower cost, quality is not forgotten. The AI and data systems created are of an exceptionally high standard. The zone14 'Replay' System‎ is easy to use, even for beginners in football data and tactical analysis. Total focus is on coaches and analysis which is not the case with all alternative options. With the support of partner clubs, the engineers are always working to improve the system. zone14 is the most innovative option available.

VEO camera price compared to zone14

zone14 offer a solution to the usual high cost of investing in cameras needed to record and analyse football matches. The 4k camera system is included in the subscription cost, which starts at €115/month (unlimited users). This allows teams to be completely set up to professionally analyse football matches without the need to raise initial thousands.

With zone14 there is no need for extra costs such as tripods, mounts, and storage cases as all you need is included in the subscription cost. The ‘tagging’ and analysis tools also come at no extra cost. There is no increase in price for multiple teams using the camera, meaning the first team, reserves and youth teams can all use the one camera at no extra cost.

Other solutions often have high upfront costs. For example Veo charge €999* for their camera, with the mandatory subscription cost starting from €67*/month (for use by one team only) and an extra €30*/month for use of analysis tools. Further costs include necessary add-ons such as the 7.3m tripod (€399*) and storage case (€89*).

Whilst Veo makes it possible to have complete ownership of the camera, there are a range of benefits of leasing the device. Leasing means maintenance becomes a lot easier. If there are any malfunctions replacements are more easily sorted. Upgrading is easier, there is no need to purchase a whole new device again in future. Products also depreciate over time as technology advances, making it difficult to sell products you own if you wish to upgrade in future. Subscription services also ensure you receive a greater commitment to development, as the business must work hard to earn and retain trust and loyalty from customers.

(*Prices excluding VAT)

Veo and zone14's AI tracking functions

zone14’s AI Technology has been trained to track the movements of the players rather than the ball. Coaches speak highly of the benefit this wider view gives in tactical analysis. It allows views of players off the ball movement and shape, as well as in possession. Player Tracking makes zone14 a more effective tool for recording training sessions and other scenarios where multiple balls may be in-play. This system will also soon make individual player data a possibility for users.

Veo’s AI track the ball movement, which has benefits for live broadcasting. However, in terms of analysing players positioning and generating data a player tracking system is more effective.

Setup time of the football camera

With Veo, it is necessary to take down the camera each time after use to charge it for next time. Whilst this makes for a more portable solution, it adds extra work for smaller teams who only work with a few staff already on a busy schedule.

First time (and one-time) installation for the zone14 analysis camera takes approximately 45 minutes; there is no need to take down the camera each time after use. The camera can even be scheduled to start recording in advance. This means there is no set up on match day and the coach can have complete focus on the match upon their arrival to the ground. All making zone14 a non time-consuming analysis solution, but one that allows teams to gain the most valuable insights for tactics and training.

Battery powered or mains powered recording device

Veo’s battery powered device can be more useful for pitches in remote locations with limited power supply. But this does mean the camera cannot be used for more than 2-3 matches. This is not always helpful for pitches where multiple games will be played across the day. Batteries can also mean more costs as battery quality can deteriorate over time. Meaning after some years a new device is required to be purchased as it is not possible to only replace the battery. On full capacity, Veo’s battery powered device has a maximum recording time of approximately 4 hours. The camera also takes 4 hours to charge to full capacity.

Die Kameras von zone14 directly connect to mains power supply with no battery required. This means there is no worries about the camera’s battery running low mid game or battery quality deteriorating over time. On a busy weekend, teams do not have to worry about charging the device in between games. The same camera can be used all day long for all the matches taking place.

Mounting the football camera

Die zone14-Kameras ermöglichen eine einfache und sichere Montage an fast jedem Ort. Zur Montage können Flutlichter und andere vorhandene Befestigungen im Vereinsstadion genutzt werden. Durch diese Montageart entfällt die Investition in teure Stative. Wenn diese am Spielfeldrand platziert werden, besteht die Gefahr, dass sie von Spielern umgeworfen oder bei starkem Wind beschädigt werden. Durch die feste Montage ergibt sich auch die Möglichkeit, die Kamera viel höher zu montieren. Dies kann nützlicher sein, um klarere Einblicke in die taktische Positionierung des Teams zu gewinnen.

The benefit of having a non-fixed mounting system is of course the ability to take the camera to away fixtures. However, clubs have often found it is useful to have a camera than can be easily shared by all who play at the ground.

With Veo, it is necessary to purchase a tripod to mount the camera. The highest tripod current available from Veo is 7m. It is not possible to mount the camera onto floodlights or other structures, meaning users can experience instability or swaying in the video footage when recording in strong winds.

Football data analysis with zone14 and Veo

Veo are able provide useful data on key metrics such as team possession, shots, and other general match events. In addition, heatmaps can also be produced. The current limitation with VEO is important statistics that on distances, intensities and speed are not able to be produced.

zone14’s strength lies in harnessing AI’s capabilities to provide coaches with precise, invaluable performance data. The fixed mounting system allows for precise calibration, training AI to generate data with exceptional accuracy. zone14’s cameras have the ability to identify individual players performance data, including distances covered, speed and intensities (zone14 STATS)‎ Coaches will soon be able to view team formation maps and heat maps. Usually, investment is required in GPS devices to access this data. zone14 have created an innovative solution using AI and video.

Streaming capabilities - football camera without viewer subscription charge

Veo offers live streaming capabilities through their football camera. Viewers can download the Veo app on mobile/tablet devices to view matches and will be notified when their team begins broadcasting. Scoreboard overlays can be added through the Veo producer panel to allow viewers to easily keep updated. Furthermore, sponsor overlays can be added to the stream which are a great way to earn additional revenue through your football camera.

zone14 have recently launched the extensive 'LIVE' Package ‘LIVE’ package, which brings numerous live capabilities to users. Matches can be scheduled through the REPLAY platform to be broadcasted live on YouTube, which means easy access on all devices such from mobiles to laptops and even Smart TVs. Scoreboard and sponsor overlays can easily be added to the live streams.

As well as the ability to live stream football matches, the 'LIVE' Package also brings users the opportunity to carry out second screen match analysis. This means the coaching staff can re-watch moments and identify tactical changes mid-match. Through the REPLAY platform , analysis can also be carried out remotely. Key match moments can even be tagged ‘live’ throughout the match which also can speed up the analysis process post match! A further benefit of live streaming matches with zone14 is that the recording is instantly uploaded to the cloud, removing upload waiting times after the match.

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Interview with Graham Bates

Interview with Graham Bates

We are happy to present to you the interview we did with the Head Coach GEPS20 of Girls & Women’s Football Club, Teacher, former CEO Economic/Environ/Edu NGOs, and a supporter of Austria Wien/Leicester City/First Vienna – Graham Bates.

In this interview, Mr. Bates talks about women’s football culture in Austria, the biggest differences between women’s and men’s teams, and how he sees the future of Austria’s football.


Where do you see the Austrian women’s game in the next few years?

  • Growing. It’s definitely growing, and we are gonna see, especially after the Euros next year, we will see another injection of enthusiasm. Question is whether the infrastructure is gonna keep up enough to give those girls the opportunity.

In your opinion, what is the big difference between the women’s and men’s football in Austria?

  • Pitches! The men have all the pitches, men have all the clubs, ehm but that’s history… Men stole football from women originally…The fifty-year ban came as much as anything because the women’s game was more popular or just as popular as the men’s and it threatened the men’s football clubs. In England, the FA banned women’s football and it kicked off across the rest. And we still have the resource issue. If there was as many spaces for girls as boys over a short period of time those spaces would be filled. But if you follow this traditional model, there will never be enough girls to justify filling the pitches, you have to do it the other way around.

What are you hoping will change in the next few years?

  • Parent attitude! Parents need to understand that when their girls play football, they are not gonna suddenly be a superstar overnight, yeah. Girls have traditionally, in most cases, been kicking the ball. But you get a girl playing football when she’s young, and give her a few years of proper training, she’ll be just as good technically as any boy, uhm, and she’ll have more fun with it. Because at the end of the day, I’ve trained boys and I’ve trained boys, most boys want to be Messi or Ronaldo, most girls want to play football.
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WIENER SPORT CLUB Partnership Announcement

WIENER SPORT CLUB Partnership Announcement

zone14 and Wiener Sport-Club are partners! The first men's team plays in the Austrian Regionalliga East. We are looking forward to working with the club and helping them take their game to the next level.

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TSU HAFNERBACH Partnership Announcement

TSU HAFNERBACH Partnership Announcement

We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a partnership with TSU Hafnerbach. The club's first team plays in the 2nd Austrian Traistental League. We are happy to support them in the upcoming season and to professionalise their club.

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USC MARKERSDORF Partnership Announcement

USC MARKERSDORF Partnership Announcement

Announcement! We have entered into a partnership with USC Markersdorf. Their first team plays in the 1. Klasse West/Mitte. We look forward to learning and developing with them and giving them the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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SV FREISTADT Partnership Announcement

SV FREISTADT Partnership Announcement

zone14 has entered into a partnership with SV Freistadt. The first team plays in the Austrian District League North. We are happy to support the club and help them reach their goals and fight their way to the top.

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Union Neumarkt Partnership Announcement

Union Neumarkt Partnership Announcement

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Union Neumarkt. The men's team plays in the second-tier Ypsertal League in Austria. zone14 and Union Neumarkt hope for a successful collaboration to professionalise the club and develop the team.

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Austria Vienna Partnership Announcement

Austria Vienna Partnership Announcement

We are very pleased to announce the partnership between zone14 and FK Austria Vienna. Austria Vienna plays in the highest Austrian league and is one of the oldest and most successful teams in the history of Austrian football. FK Austria Vienna has won the most trophies of all Austrian clubs and is one of only two teams that have never been relegated from the highest division.

In order to make professional video analysis possible for everyone, we need partners from the lowest to the highest leagues. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved at FK Austria Vienna with whom we work at zone14 REPLAY.

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"Der Standard" Article - zone14

"Der Standard" Article - zone14

Viennese start-up Zone14 brings artificial intelligence to amateur football

Football without video analysis is no longer imaginable these days. The young company Zone14 wants to make it easier for amateurs to access the valuable data.

Laptop coaches or going by gut feeling - for a long time there was only either-or in football. Without a laptop, i.e. video analysis and data processing, nothing works in modern football. 22 people run for 90 minutes, so good analyses are correspondingly time-consuming and cost-intensive. Professional clubs have the budget to buy in data, but in amateur football, the situation is usually different. There is still a lot of manual work here.

The Viennese start-up Zone14 recently launched a system called Replay, which also makes this material relatively easily accessible to amateur teams with the help of artificial intelligence.

The football camera system

How does it work? The system consists of two cameras and is easy to install yourself. Via a box connected to the internet, the recorded videos are directly uploaded to a cloud where they are processed and available to the club the next day. Games and training sessions can then be analysed online in a separate program.

Since this year, Zone14 analyses the matches of the Wiener Sportklub. Here the Dornbachers defeated Wiener Viktoria 8:1.

"Our algorithm lays a net over the pitch and recognises players based on features such as hairstyle, shoes, shirt number and movement patterns," says company co-founder Lukas Grömer in an interview with the STANDARD. The algorithm recognises running performance, player positions and movement patterns. In a next "timely step", the algorithm will evaluate passes, shots, corner kicks and duel statistics.

Sportclub and Austria

Six clubs are already using Replay. Four of them play in the lower divisions, but the customer list also includes two prominent names, Wiener Sportclub and Austria Vienna. The Violets clearly have their own camera system, while Zone 14 acts more as a development partner for player tracking and visualisation.

"Such systems are becoming more and more popular, even in the very lower leagues," says Sportclub coach Robert Weinstabl to the STANDARD. "Players are also asking for video footage more and more often, they want to analyse themselves." By means of an app, important situations such as attacks, counter-attacks or set-pieces can be noted during the game, which are then collected in a playlist.

Weinstabl himself picks out six to eight scenes per game, which he goes through with the team after a match. The Zone14 system saves him time and spits out a lot of valuable material.

It is also essential for coaches to know what happens far off the ball and how players move,

The Sportclub plays in the Regionalliga East, Weinstabl coaches the club full-time - which is rather unusual for a regional league coach. He is in a privileged situation in this respect, but saving time and money on video analyses would be good for the whole league. Zone 14 charges a monthly fee of 119 euros.

Volleyball and Zoo

Football is understandably the most attractive market for a start-up like Zone14, but the three founders Lukas Grömer (32), Simon Schmiderer (27) and Tobias Gahleitner (24), originally from Upper Austria, are also flirting with other sports. "Handball or volleyball would make sense. In areas like retail, the system could be used, but we don't want that. On the football pitch, the players benefit from our data; people shopping don't want to be tracked," says Simon Schmiderer. But one option would also be to film animals in the zoo and find out how much they are on the move.

The young company, which was founded this year, has so far received financial support from the state development bank AWS. The camera system and the algorithm were developed in the First Incubator Programme, and now the bank is supporting Zone14 as part of the "Trustworthy AI" programme. The programme lasts eight to twelve months, during which certain milestones must be reached. The maximum funding amount is 200,000 euros, regardless of the company.

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