We understand that every football club is different

Choose the most convenient way for you to contact us

Frage Stellen

Stell uns deine Frage – wir melden uns zeitnah per E-Mail oder Telefon.

Online Meeting

Choose your preferred date and time for our online meeting

Request a callback

We will contact you reliably within the next 24 hours


Simply send us your questions directly via WhatsApp

On-site presentation

We will be happy to visit you in person at your stadium

Get in touch.

Questions about the product? Our team will be happy to answer all your questions.
Wir freuen uns von dir zu hören!

Book a meeting with our CEO

Request a personal callback

Just leave a number where you can be reached and one of our staff will reach out to you and answer all your questions directly on the phone

Arrange an in-person presentation at your club*

Leave your contact details and one of our staff will get in touch with you to arrange a personal appointment at your sports ground or office.


*Depending on availability and location

Our office


Office: Meldemannstraße 18 1200 Wien
Office: Markt 13, 4120 Neufelden (near Linz)

Get in touch

Instagram: zone14.ai
Email: hello@zone14.ai