We are zone14.

We are a team of football and sports enthusiasts from different cultures who work together to help clubs and associations improve their training and achieve their goals. Our different perspectives and experiences bring new ideas to the game.

Our Founders

Simon Schmiderer


Last but not least, Simon’s long-standing experience in the field of marketing and his broad network through events and sports in combination with his technical and football affinity, Simon will be substantially responsible for the success of zone14.

Lukas Grömer

Co- Founder
Luk’s experience in machine learning, AI and contributing to open source computer vision projects. At zone14 he finally can combine his passion for AI and football, creating products that make people’s lives easier.

Tobias Gahleitner

Co- Founder
Tobi’s expertise lies in the field of Hard- and Software development in distributed Systems and patient-driven support-system-development. At zone14, Tobias combines his broad technical skills and great interest in sports and talent development.

Our Team

Max Maximov

Founders Associate

Oswald Schwarz

Sales & Business Dev.

Nadeem Baig

Head of Sales

Get in contact with our team

Tuomas Jaako

Data Science

Enrico Cappuzzo

Data Science

Stefan Bartl


Nathan George


Julius Oppel

Writing & Marketing

Valentin Nikolic


Ali Irfan

Marketing Intern

John Ragheb

Graphic Design Intern

Interested in being part of zone14?

We are always looking for people who want to work with us to make video and performance analysis in football more accessible. We are convinced that diverse perspectives strengthen and enrich our team - take a look at our current open positions or send us a speculative application to hello@zone14.ai

Our vision.


More and more often, fans complain that football has lost touch with the grassroots. Players' salaries in the millions, billions in TV money flowing in, and transfer sums beyond 100 million euros. The fan is often seen only as a consumer. The gap is widening.


Although the financial resources in grassroot football are much lower compared to professional football, the desire for analysis from TV, professionalization and constant development is greater than ever among clubs.


But the gap is also widening in professional football itself. To remain competitive, clubs are forced to apply the latest training methods, generate more data and draw conclusions from it.


At zone14, we help coaches and analysts to focus on their core competencies - improving their teams and finding creative solutions and tactics - without much effort, using state-of-the-art technology and user-friendly tools. Clubs can offer their fans an even better experience through beautiful and successful football. Become part of our journey!

Interested in being part of zone14?

We are always looking for people who want to work with us to make video and performance analysis in football more accessible. We are convinced that diverse perspectives strengthen and enrich our team - take a look at our current open positions or send us a speculative application to hello@zone14.ai