zone14 Blog

Football Training

Dynamische Defensivübung
Football Training

5 Top-Verteidigungsübungen im Fußball

Fünf Top-Verteidigungsübungen im Fußball: Verbessere deine Abwehr mit gezielten 1-gegen-1-Duellen, Teamübungen und taktischem Training. Perfektioniere deine Defensivarbeit durch Praxis und Videoanalyse.

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Coach education in Austria
Football Training

Football coach education in Austria

In Austria, the ÖFB coach training courses range from the children's coaching licence to the UEFA Pro Licence. It combines theory and practice and optimally prepares you for your future career.

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Ein Stürmer bei einer Torschussübung
Football Training

Training drills to improve shooting in football

A good shot on goal is essential for a successful finish. It's not all just about power and accuracy, but also the ability to recognise the right moment and act quickly. Effective shooting football drills should therefore cover various aspects such as technique, decisions, and accuracy.

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