
The Importance of Customer Service at zone14: How Feedback Shapes Innovation

At zone14, we’re more than just a football video analysisplatform, we’re a dedicated partner in helping clubs, coaches, and analysts unlock their full potential. What truly sets us apart is our focus on customer service, which isn’t just a side thought, but is deeply embedded in everything we do. From the moment a club signs up with us, to the ongoing journey of using our football video analysis tools, our goal is to ensure that they not only receive the best video analysis experience but also have their voices heard, helping to shape our platform’s development and evolution.

Collaboration: The key to our success

The image shows two football coaches on a pitch, naturally engrossed in a discussion while looking at a laptop. The scene captures a professional and dynamic atmosphere centred on teamwork and collaboration.

Our approach to customer service goes far beyond troubleshooting and answering basic questions. In fact, our entire platform is a direct result of the collaboration between our tech team and the people who matter most, our users and partners. Football clubs, players, coaches, and analysts are at the heart of our product development.

When clubs provide feedback, it’s not just taken into account, it drives real change. This active collaboration ensures that zone14 isn’t just a solution for today’s challenges but also anticipates tomorrow’s needs in the ever evolving world of football analysis.

Case Study: Union Gurten

Union Gurten Logo

One of the clearest examples of how important customer service is to us comes from our work with Union Gurten, a football club that has been using zone14 for match recording and video analysis. They appreciated the intuitive and fast design of our coaching tool, but they also needed a solution for analysing their away matches recorded with other cameras. At the time, their video analyst had to spend hours recording these games via screen recording software and then uploading them manually to our platform.

This process was not only time-consuming but also took away valuable hours that could have been spent on game analysis and strategy development. Frustrated with the inefficiency, the analyst reached out to us through our dedicated WhatsApp support group, asking, “Is there anything we can do to make this process easier?”

The power of real-time customer support at zone14

We didn’t just acknowledge the problem; we made it our mission to fix it. In less than 14 days, our technical team developed a new feature that allowed Union Gurten (and every other club using zone14) to upload games directly from URLs, bypassing the need for lengthy screen recordings. With this new functionality, the club is now able to analyse matches from any camera source, no matter where they were played, saving countless hours and dramatically improving the efficiency of their analysis process.

This story is a perfect example of how we listen to our customers’ feedback and use it to make meaningful improvements that benefit the entire user base. It also highlights the importance of direct communication with our customer support team, which is available seven days a week.

Personalised 24/7 Support For Your Football Camera

At zone14, customer service is not just about answering emails or responding to tickets. It’s about creating an open line of communication that allows trust, ensures transparency, and builds a partnership between our team and yours.

Here’s how we make that happen:

Dedicated WhatsApp Group for Every Club:

We know that football doesn’t follow a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither does your analysis needs. That’s why we create a dedicated WhatsApp group for each club, providing direct access to our support team 24/7. Whether you have a technical question, need advice on best practices, or simply want to share feedback, we’re always just a message away.

7-Day Availability:

Football matches happen on weekends, and so does video analysis. Our customer service is available every day of the week, ensuring that you never have to wait long to get help when you need it most.

Rapid Response Time:

Whether it’s fixing a technical issue or implementing a new feature, we pride ourselves on acting quickly. The Union Gurten example is a testament to how swiftly we can turn customer feedback into direct improvements to our platform.

Collaboration at Every Step:

Our customers are not just users; they are co-creators and partners of the platform. Your insights help us continuously refine and expand our features to meet the evolving demands of football analysis. As a result, every club using zone14 plays a part in shaping the future of football video analysis.

Why customer service matters for football video analysis software

The world of football is fast-paced and highly competitive. The difference between winning and losing can often come down to the smallest details, and video analysis is an essential part of that equation. Having a platform that works for you and one that evolves based on your needs, can give you a significant edge.

Good customer service ensures that:

You save time: Time is one of the most valuable resources in football analysis. By resolving technical issues quickly and implementing features that reduce inefficiencies, we help you spend more time on what really matters, preparing your team for victory.

You stay competitive: A responsive and adaptive video analysis platform allows you to stay ahead of the curve. As the game evolves, so too should your tools, and with zone14, you’ll always have the latest updates and innovations at your disposal.

Your team gets the best results: Customer service ensures that your team can leverage the full potential of our platform. By providing personalised support and even training through our ‘masterclasses’, we help you maximise the impact of every video, every analysis, and every coaching session.

Building the future of football video analysis together

An example of the drawing tool on the zone14 REPLAY football video analysis platform.

The football landscape is constantly evolving, and at zone14, we’re committed to evolving with it. But we can’t do that alone. Our partners are our most valuable resource when it comes to innovation, and we take every piece of feedback seriously.

That’s why we continue to focus on providing world-class customer service that goes beyond fixing issues—it’s about collaboration, partnership, and building together a better future for football video analysis.

If you’re already a customer, don’t hesitate to reach out through your club’s WhatsApp group with any questions, feedback, or new ideas. And if you’re considering zone14, let’s start a conversation. We’d love to show you how we can help your club reach new heights!

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