
The importance of technical drills and dribbling in football

Technique in football is an art that goes far beyond the purely athletic. It is a demonstration of a player's agility, creativity and ability to control the ball with precision. It's not just about running with the ball, but controlling it and using it as an extension of your own abilities. In this article, we dive deep into the intricacies of technique and dribbling, discovering the importance of the different aspects and offering effective drills to perfect these skills.

Technical principles

  • Ball control: Ball control is at the heart of good technique. The ability to receive and handle the ball is fundamental to moving through a variety of defences. Techniques such as the use of the instep and outside of the foot are crucial for ball control and allow the player to determine the flow of the game.
  • Change of pace The dribbling and the ability to change pace at the right moment is evidence of high quality. With a sudden run, you can leave defenders behind and utilise open spaces. The ability to switch quickly can make all the difference in an attack.
  • Skill-Moves: The appeal of dribbling lies in its unpredictability. Various technical manoeuvres - crossing, feints and quick changes of direction - add flair to dribbling. These movements are not just for show, but are a strategic means of creating goal-scoring opportunities. You just shouldn't overdo it.
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Areas of application for technical exercises

  • Confined space Football is often played in confined spaces, especially in midfield. A player with good ball control and the ability to make quick decisions is an important linchpin for navigating these tight spaces.
  • Eins-gegen-Eins-Situationen: A one-on-one duel between an attacker and defender can be decisive for the game. The ability to overcome a defender with a well-timed move or a change of pace opens up scoring opportunities or the chance to get the ball into the attacking third.
  • Counter-Attack: Football is a dynamic game and counter-attacks are often lightning-fast. Dribbling plays a central role in counter-attacks. A player who is able to move the ball quickly and make smart decisions at the same time can exploit weaknesses in the defence and initiate a devastating counter-attack.
  • Posession: Possession-orientated styles of play have become more important and dribbling is crucial to maintaining possession. Players with good technical skills are able to outplay opposing players, maintain possession and dictate the tempo of the game.
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Examples of technical exercises in football

  • 1v1-scenarios: In training, create one-on-one situations in which the players alternate between acting as attackers and defenders. This exercise emphasises the importance of overcoming a defender in one-on-one situations and encourages creativity and confidence in your own dribbling skills.
  • Reaction exercises: Improve reaction time through drills that require quick changes of direction in response to a signal from the coach. This improves the player's ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations on the pitch - a crucial skill in the unpredictable nature of a football match.
  • Endurance dribbling: Dribbling stamina and endurance are developed through a longer course. Players navigate the course while maintaining control of the ball, which improves their ability to dribble effectively even when fatigued.

Technique for passing and scoring

Dribbling is a skill in football that has a decisive influence on passing and shots on goal. A good dribbling technique enables players to manoeuvre successfully through tight defensive lines and thus create space for precise passes or shots on goal. Dribbling not only strengthens individual ball control, but also promotes tactical understanding of game situations.

A player who is technically strong can draw defenders towards him and thus open up spaces for his team-mates. Skilful dribbling allows players to get into optimal positions to play precise passes. The combination of dribbling and passing makes it possible to move the ball safely through your own ranks while maintaining the initiative in attack. For additional inspiration, you can read our article on 3 top passing drills as well.

Dribbling is also of central importance when shooting at goal. A player who dribbles skilfully through the opposition's defence can not only create his own goal-scoring opportunities, but also serve teammates in promising positions. Dribbling makes it possible to penetrate the penalty area and create effective shots on goal in dangerous areas. Training drills to improve shooting in footballWe have already clarified this in a previous article.

The importance of dribbling for passing and scoring lies in the ability to create space, overcome defenders and create dynamic attacking opportunities. Players who perfect their dribbling technique not only become an individual threat to the opposing defence, but also key players in creating scoring opportunities for their team. Targeted technique training is therefore an important component for success in modern football.

Verschiedene Varianten von Technikübungen

5 top technique exercises

1. Dribbling through slalom poles:

    - Place several slalom poles in a row with sufficient space between them.

    - The player dribbles the ball through the slalom poles by making tight turns and changing direction.

    - Concentrate on ball control and the ability to dribble the ball under pressure.

2. Short pass triangular game:

    - Mark a triangle on the playing field with cones.

    - Three players are located at the corners of the triangle.

    - The players pass the ball quickly and precisely between themselves by moving and changing positions.

    - The aim is to play the ball quickly and improve ball control.

3. One-on-one dribbling:

    - Divide the players into pairs and mark out a limited area.

    - Each pair tries to dribble the ball away from each other while remaining in a confined space.

    - The focus is on protecting the ball, keeping it under control and at the same time trying to overcome the opponent.

4. Technical course:

    - Set up various stations on the course, e.g. cones, tyres or slalom poles.

    - The player runs through the course and performs a specific technique at each station, e.g. dribbling, passing, receiving the ball or shooting.

    - The focus is on executing the techniques with accuracy and speed.

5. Pass-and-sprint exercise:

    - Mark two targets on the course, one as a starting point and the other about 20-30 metres away.

    - The player passes the ball to his partner and then sprints quickly to the goal to get the ball back.

    - This exercise aims to improve the accuracy of passes and develop the player's ability to move quickly from passing to sprinting.

Verschiedene Varianten von Techniktraining

Video analysis as an aid for technical exercises

Die Videoanalyse spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbesserung von Technikübungen im Fußball, um die Fähigkeiten der Spieler zu verfeinern. Durch die Aufzeichnung und Analyse von Sequenzen können Trainer und Spieler wertvolle Einblicke in ihre Leistung gewinnen und gezielt an Schwächen arbeiten. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum die Videoanalyse für Technikübungen von großer Bedeutung ist:

  • Individual error detection: Video analysis makes it possible to scrutinise every detail of dribbling and identify individual errors or potential for improvement. Players can check their movements, ball control and decisions in detail, which leads to more targeted error correction.
  • Tactical Insights: Video analysis not only makes it possible to assess the technical aspects of dribbling, but also to analyse tactical elements. Players can understand how they can open up spaces through dribbling decisions, play off defenders and thus positively influence the game.
  • Comparison with role models: By analysing successful dribbling sequences from professionals, players can gain inspiration and learn from their technique. Video analysis makes it possible to break down successful dribbling sequences and understand the principles that lead to successful ball control.
  • Motivation and self-confidence: Watching successful dribbles on video can increase players' motivation and boost their self-confidence. It helps them to recognise positive examples and focus on improving their own skills.
  • Long-term development: The video analysis makes it possible to track progress over time. Players and coaches can regularly compare recorded scenes to see how technical skills improve in training and during matches.

By integrating video analysis into technique training, coaches and players can work more specifically on the further development of technique and create a sound basis for individual improvements. The visual feedback from videos helps to deepen the understanding of one's own game and thus maximise the effectiveness of dribbling drills in football. We at zone14 have set ourselves the goal of making video analysis possible for every club, and it doesn't matter whether you train an U-8 or the club team.

Futuristische Videoanalyse


In football, the path to mastering technique and dribbling is a continuous process of refinement and development. The combination of ball control, ball proximity, change of pace and strategic moves results in a dynamic player who is able to influence the game in different situations. Through dedicated training and targeted drills, players can improve their dribbling skills and unlock new dimensions to their overall performance on the pitch. The football world awaits your skills on the pitch.

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